Friday, March 04, 2005

When Luck Runs Out..

I have noticed this behaviour in young men for past few months, though it cant be generalised. I feel quite a number of guys who are still in early twenties are becoming anxious about still being single. If they are unlucky once or twice the world ends there! Though it is considered cool to flaunt a girlfriend or many, I used to see my friends enjoy their single status. Ok now I must tell why i'm writing all these.Yesterday few of my friends and me met to have dinner together. Purpose, one of 'em was feeling depressed. Agenda, to cheer him up. Action , just chit-chat and have fun.The reason behind his achy-breaky heart is what makes this interesting. Some jyothish had told him couple of months ago that in the next 58 days he'll meet his dream girl, if not now then never. My poorfool friend has taken this to heart. Yesterday was 57th day and he hasnt met his "girl" yet. So my dejected friend wanted to hang out with his buddies to feel better. Today is the D-day, and can imagine him letting out a sigh sitting in front of his computer, trying to fix a bug which he should have done ages ago, reading all the thread mails and forwards.While some of my friends tried to sympathise with him, all I had to say is, "get a life!!".We are meeting again today to make the "unlucky" one, chirk up.

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