Thursday, June 30, 2005

Me Tagged Too..

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I have been book tagged, not a good idea to tag me coz I am not a voracious reader. I dont know how this works. Do we get the freedom to choose our questions too? Well I'll do this the way I want to.

Number of books owned: I have no idea, and I am lazy to count. Probably around 10 novels, lots of technical books, I just had this stupid notion that owning them would give me an intelligent flair, around 50 comic books. About 30 borrowed.
Book I love to read regularly: Reader's Digest [ok, its a magazine]
Favourite book: Calvin and Hobbes, The days are just packed [Thanks again for the person who gifted this ]
Current read: Fountainhead by Ayn Rand [when will I finish this!!]
Best read: The Good Earth by Pearl S Buck, Kane and Abel by Jeffery Archer.
Worst read: Abduction by Robin Cook [I will never read his books again]
Book I will never finish : The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari [ sorry pal, this was your only bad suggestion ]
Book I almost died to finish reading: Angels And Deamons by Dan Brown [ everything is exaggerated ]
Book I enjoyed reading every page: 5 Point Someone by Chetan Bhagat [ though I doubt its his story in IIT ]
Book that I bought long ago but is still good as new: Data Structures in C and C++ by Tenenbaum [sorry if there is a spell mistake in the name]
Best possession : Gone With The Wind by Margaret Mitchell
Best movie inspired from a book: Gone With The Wind, again
Books I have avoided: The entire Mills and Boons series [Yes, I am still a Piscean]
Book that I treasure the most: My college note book in which all my friends drew pictures and signed them.
Favorite comic books: Calvin and Hobbes, Archies comics, Asterix, Chandamama [I dont know if this book is still in circulation]
Okay I am done here, have to get back to work. It is killing me!

Oh wait...I tag these people


Monday, June 27, 2005

Have You Ever...?

Let your hair loose and let it fly in the cool breeze, and smiled when
the strands hit your face
Waved to a stranger's kid and watch it wave back to you and giggle
Ate ice cream as soon as you were out of the bed
Danced in the rain and smiled back at the people who were watching you in amusement
Gone home after a long time and parents hugged and kissed and said how much they missed you
Held a naked baby in your arms and watched it fall asleep
Trusted your friend so deep that you believe every word the person says
Watched the moonless night sky when the entire town had a blackout
Imagined your favorite song being played in your head over and over again
Came home cold and tired and someone offered you a hot mug of coffee
Watched a full moon rising like a big orange candy
Made someone laugh and just sat looking at the person's pretty laughter
While cleaning up the wardrobe, you found your 6th grade class photo and your first crush smiles back at you
Visited your old school and stood in the playground and imagined your school days and the dreams you had
Tried flying a kite on your office terrace and not be embarrassed that your attempts are failing
Thought about a long lost friend the whole day and the very next day she drops a mail in your inbox

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


The teacher pulled up his fat glasses over his broad nose and called out her name, and he made it sound so sweet.The girl with plump cheeks and fair skin stood up and as she walked she smirked and looked at me, but just for two seconds as she moved on and faked a surprise look, though she was sure she stood first in the class. She was the favorite, she was the sweet-heart and she was popular. I never craved to be like her, I was happy and content, but
it was she who always compared herself to me, maybe she was insecure. She would work hard to score higher, she would do anything to please the instructor to get the lead role in the dance performance. I just gave her competition and watched in amusement.Yes, I was evil, but didnt mean to be malevolent. Her attempt to make me feel inferior and her failure to do so, amused me even more. She is related to me [ and no, I dont want to trace the family tree] and was considered better than me by grannies, aunties and mamas. It was a blessing in disguise for me, cause there were no expectations from me. After school we went our seperate ways. She struggled to finish her graduation, while I maintained my average scores, graduated and got a decent job. One of these best days of my life I met her, recently. She is now lean and looked tired. She is married to a man born more than a decade before us, who was chosen by her parents. She asked what am I doing these days. The smirk was now just a lazy smile.I didnt gratify my evil self, instead shook her hand, gave her warm wishes, tasted the ice cream she offered and left after the exchange of goodbyes. I think we both closed this chapter.

Friday, June 17, 2005

I Am Watching You

I have always felt sorry for celebrities and people who are in news cause they are constantly watched and every action of theirs is scrutinized to minute detail. But now I can empathise with them. Not that I am popular but I am being watched and monitored all the time. It might be the consequence of knowing lot of people, maybe my life seems interesting for some or maybe because of this blog. Yes, I have left lot of personal information in this blog before, but my intention was only to write what I feel like. I am trying to curb that practice, thanks to few near and dear ones. Now I'll have to think twice before writing a post here or hang out with a friend. I have to guard my cell phone all the time cause anytime it can go into someone's hand and in an instance its menu->messages->inbox!! and a loud "aahh!!" followed by "who is this? " and a tussle as I try to grab it back. My parents are no less too. My open minded and liberal mom has changed completely, thanks to so called "concerned" aunt. Now not only do I have to report my status to my manager, every night I report where I am, whom I'm with, to my mom. In office, there are curious eyes watching what I do, even as I type this. I used to lose my temper on my friend who used to ask me very personal questions. Every person has the right to his/her personal space where no one can intrude, not even their life partners, but I guess the term 'privacy' is losing its meaning.

Friday, June 10, 2005


I see a rickshaw emitting a thick exhaust smoke, flaunting a sign "Dont Pollute the Air" yeah, like saying "leave that work to me". Jerk!This is heights of absurdity!and I think of these..

Height of rip off: 8 candies in Sweet World at Forum cost 68 rupees!
Height of torturing employees: More than 2 meetings per day. Even worse, scheduling a meeting to discuss what to be discussed in the next meeting.
Height of irritation: When 3 people come into my cubicle, and chat aloud with another team mate, in a language that cant be understood.
Height of absent-mindedness: My Brother-in-Law walks past me, looks at me, but I failed to even recognise him!
Height of stupidity: Wearing my favorite white dress even if aware that its going to rain that evening.
Height of Laziness: So lazy to cook even if hungry, that I rather eat an apple and go to bed.
Height of happiness: could I be anymore happier than what I am now?
Height of mixed feelings: Mrs.Indira giving me a big bar of chocolate.
Height of smartness: Caught daydreaming in a meeting yet again, but this time I said "I was pondering over the points you put forth,I think..blah blah"
Height of expectation: Expecting a treat from this friend of mine.
Height of gluttony: Ate so much of home cooked food, another bite would have ripped my stomach apart.
Height of addiction: One whole day without chocolate made me depressed enough to kill myself.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Daydreaming Again

I have always been a daydreamer. Yes, while sitting,standing,talking, any time of the day I start dreaming or just think something else and I get so engrossed that I completely forget whats around me. And these are not any princess dreams, but just recollecting what happened before or thinking about what might happen if I do such and such a thing. But tuesday's experience left me embrassed and the rest amused. In the status meeting, there was a discussion on some technical issue which wasn't related to my project and wasn't interesting. And me, well I was wondering will I ever make it as a good manager. Will the employees listen to me? Having a bad temper, what if I punched people who didnt listen?! Then my attention shifted to a tree I could see through the window, wondering how old the tree might be, what if I lived that long and I had to stand in the same place for life!! And then my manager called my name. Before I could realize what was happening he shot a question at me, "what is your opinion on this? ".I shook my head and said I agree with T. Everyone looked at me in bewilderment. Then my manager calmly said "T has not given his opinion yet". All I had left to say was sorry and looked at the slide on the projected screen, commented something stupid and continued taking minutes. The end of the day, I had the most embrassing moment in recent times.