Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Pirates and the Little Monster

"Pirates Of The Carribean - The Curse Of The Black Pearl", recommended as the perfect movie for a couple to watch together, reason, men love adventure, women love Johny Depp. Its a nice, 'worth a watch once' movie. But Watching it with a 5 month old naughty, baby girl is a different experience. First time, I watched it with my parents, was forced to watch it again last sunday by my sister, who desperatley wanted to, coz she had to return the DVD to the library the following day. Since the movie has out of this world soundtrack, my niece was hooked onto the images flickering on the idiot box. My sister tried avoiding this by holding her in the opposite direction, which made the cutie so angry she started to yell and scream! Entire 2 and odd hours she screamed and cried. My sister put her on my lap as I wasnt very interested. She tried desperately to follow the dialogues, coz if you dont, you wont understand what's the whole deal about the adventure. She kept asking me what did this guy say, what did that girl say, hellooo...How am I supposed to remember the lines? Its not a bollywood superstar delivering them! All this time my niece is trying to be a trapeze artist slipping frm my arms. My sis fed her, tried to keep her quiet, but all in vain! By the end of the movie, which my sister would have wished all the characters die and go to hell, as she was dead tired, we lay there on the couches, exhausted, TV on and the little monster giggling.


Anonymous said...

cool experience with babies! but don't you think its not good to get babies used to television from such a tender age? i deliberately avoided such things with my son...


Unknown said...

You are right becky, we have to avoid this.

Crush said...

"..and the little monster giggling."

Looks like the ending was worth it!

யாத்ரீகன் said...

nice finishing touch :-))))

Unknown said...

@Crush, It was very much worth it :)
@Senthil, Thank you

KAD said...

You seem to get a very diverse group of readers for your blog!! Congrats!!

Raju PP said...

hey dipsss!!!
the initial lines were misleading :-D
but the ending lines were perfect :-)

Unknown said...

Thanks Kannu.

Well Rajendra..that was the intention :D

claytonia vices said...

Ya, movies and little monsters do not go very well together. :-)

I have seen parents who bring little wailing babies to movies!! :-o

And by the way, you guys were doing the 'do as i say, not as i do' thing with the little one which is very very bad! And it almost never works...